Management: M. Feick Telephone: 06375 3133132 E-Mail: About CSP building cleaning
Mr. Michael Feick - Managing Director CSP Gebäudereinigung: You will never hear from us “we will do that next time” or “unfortunately we cannot come to you today”. We come - always! Thoroughness is a priority, for this reason we don't leave when the time runs out, but when the tasks assigned to us have been completed. As managing director of the company CSP Gebäudereinigung, founded in 2009, it is my goal to combine quality and motivation. We remove soiling with professional and environmentally friendly cleaning agents and techniques. They not only clean your premises thoroughly, but also maintain them sustainably. If necessary, the internal processes are also checked by qualified employees and documented if necessary. Our philosophy also includes taking over the cleaning services as completely as possible. With our holistic approach, we want our customers to be able to focus on their business, not on cleaning.